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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Greetings...

Cova sends her wishes for a spook-tacular Halloween!
I wouldn't cross her tonight, though.  Those shoes are sharp! 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Strike a Pose, There's Nothing to It....

It's been awhile....RL got ahold of me for awhile there -- SORRY!  :P  But today is Lazy Sunday, and as I was traveling around the grid looking for those Lazy Sunday specials, I started noticing that more and more, the stores participating are animation stores.  At first, I was disappointed...I'm a girl who loves shoes and clothes.  :)  But then I started trying out the poses and discovered how well they were made.  So, yes, I spent some lindens and collected a few I liked the best.

First, I ended up at What Next.  The sled out front caught my eye (I'm a sucker for all things winter), and I had to give it a try. 

After that, I landed at Olive Juice, where I fell in love with this Barrel of Poses.  What fun!  Also at OJ, I saw this lovely set of heart shaped rocks called, appropriately, Rocky Romance.  Since I left my heart in SL quite awhile ago, I thought it fitting to put these somewhere special, in remembrance.

This last pic is of an animation set I bought a couple of Lazy Sundays ago, but it's adorable and makes me want Halloween and Thanksgiving to come more quickly!  It's called Pumpkin Life, and I bought it from those wonderful animators at Real Living.
Oh, and this photo has the added bonus of showing off my newest creations, white and black Dingo ankle boots.  If you like 'em and think I should market them, let me know (leave a comment or email me privately)!  Here are some close-ups.  I made them with and without cuffs and am considering making them in solid black.

Hugs to my readers, and thanks for waiting for me to come back.  :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Starry Starry Night...

I've been feeling a bit contemplative lately...staring at my surroundings as if I can't absorb them long enough.  Maybe it's the change in weather, or maybe it's a change in me.  Whatever the reason, I spent some time enjoying the night sky this week.  It was a beautiful night... 
I wish you could have been there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

When Sims Collide...

This is what happens when you combine Halloween sim-hopping with ballroom dancing.... Meet my new little bat friends, Batty Boo and Bitey Too. They happily rode along while I danced the evening away in Phatland. Thank goodness my dance partner isn't afraid of rabies!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We're Having a Ball!

Anyone that knows me (in SL or RL) knows that I can get so absorbed in the creative process that I lose track of time (and sometimes, my mind!).  Such was the case this weekend when a friend and I decided to collaborate on a ballgown -- something I've never attempted before, as I'm mostly just a "prim girl" who only mildly messes around in Photoshop.  But my friend has made a small business selling clothing, so I figured it was worth a try...and it might be quite fun.  It turned out to be, in fact, VERY fun, and I'm pleased to be able to say that we made SIX lovely gowns (okay, okay, all the same gown, just different colors).  We're both very happy with the result and are considering future collaborations already.  Here's a look at the black and white version of the gown:

A special thank you goes out to an old friend with a good eye who spotted a problem with the prototype and sent us looking for better textures.  I believe the ones we finally decided upon look much better than the originals.  

And since I enjoyed this experience so much, I've been teasing myself that I might just be successful at making more pretty clothing... so now I'm off to dream about prim bras and pants and skirts, and (dare I say it?) underwear and how I might change the (second) world with them!  :)