Welcome to our blog, and thanks for coming! Feel free to kick back, relax, and have a spot of tea with us. And if you enjoy what you read, let us know by following us or making comments on our posts.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas Story (of sorts)

When the world gets crazy,

and everyone around is so busy picking up the pieces of their own lives, they have no time to spare,

how does a (mostly) sane fashionista cope when she can't seem to get a little attention in this world?

She goes shoe shopping.

Aisles and aisles of beautiful shoes help quell the lonely spirit...and then, sheer happiness prevails when she sees The Ones -- the shoes that speak to her soul.  And so, strength renewed -- and gorgeous shoes upon her feet -- the fashionista can once again face the world without tears.  

The End.

P.S.  Thank you, Cova, for making these shoes possible.  MWAH!  You're the best.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dance Anywhere

Dear Readers:

There's nothing quite like dancing in a waterfall with someone who already takes your breath away.  I absolutely recommend it!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are nearly upon us.  The craziness of the last month is almost over.  Soon there will be rest and family and celebration.  So, from our little SL family to yours, we'd like to wish you a wonderful, relaxing, and joyous holiday season.  Cheers!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wolf Mountain Ski Resort

Am I the only one who didn't know about Wolf Mountain until just recently?  It's hard to imagine I've missed it!  My good friend Cova dropped the landmark on me about three weeks ago, so last week I went to take a look around...and may I say, "WOW!"?

Upon landing you'll find a sweet little ice skating rink with a hot air balloon smack dab in the middle, in case you and your sweetheart want to take the seven sim tour around the resort.

There are places to shop, a ski hill, and plenty of amenities inside the lodge, such as a swimming pool, hot tub, and a movie theatre upstairs.  I spent a little time watching people at the donut bar, then went up the mountain and did a little skiing (though I really need to find a better HUD for that!).

When I was all tuckered out, I dropped into a big comfy chair and enjoyed a little cocoa while I visited with passing guests.  I absolutely recommend stopping by the resort to see what all the fuss is about.  It's guaranteed to make your SL winter a whole lot more fun!

Monday, November 1, 2010

In Search Of....

I'm currently in search of the perfect winter boot...in WHITE.  I'm trying to replace my old standbys from two years past, but I'm not willing to settle for boots with noticeable flaws.  I want comfy and stylish, all rolled up in a big "WOW" package.  Oh, and did I say they need to be white??  ;)

SO, I'm calling out all you lurkers...if you see boots you think might fit my needs, let me know!  'Cause I really want to go into the winter season in style.  AND I'll add a little incentive.  If you're the first person to find the most beautiful white winter boots on the grid for me -- assuming I agree with your assessment and decide to purchase them -- I'll buy you a matching pair.  So leave me a comment, send me an email, or send up some flares to let me know what you find.  Thanks in advance!


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Greetings...

Cova sends her wishes for a spook-tacular Halloween!
I wouldn't cross her tonight, though.  Those shoes are sharp! 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Strike a Pose, There's Nothing to It....

It's been awhile....RL got ahold of me for awhile there -- SORRY!  :P  But today is Lazy Sunday, and as I was traveling around the grid looking for those Lazy Sunday specials, I started noticing that more and more, the stores participating are animation stores.  At first, I was disappointed...I'm a girl who loves shoes and clothes.  :)  But then I started trying out the poses and discovered how well they were made.  So, yes, I spent some lindens and collected a few I liked the best.

First, I ended up at What Next.  The sled out front caught my eye (I'm a sucker for all things winter), and I had to give it a try. 

After that, I landed at Olive Juice, where I fell in love with this Barrel of Poses.  What fun!  Also at OJ, I saw this lovely set of heart shaped rocks called, appropriately, Rocky Romance.  Since I left my heart in SL quite awhile ago, I thought it fitting to put these somewhere special, in remembrance.

This last pic is of an animation set I bought a couple of Lazy Sundays ago, but it's adorable and makes me want Halloween and Thanksgiving to come more quickly!  It's called Pumpkin Life, and I bought it from those wonderful animators at Real Living.
Oh, and this photo has the added bonus of showing off my newest creations, white and black Dingo ankle boots.  If you like 'em and think I should market them, let me know (leave a comment or email me privately)!  Here are some close-ups.  I made them with and without cuffs and am considering making them in solid black.

Hugs to my readers, and thanks for waiting for me to come back.  :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Starry Starry Night...

I've been feeling a bit contemplative lately...staring at my surroundings as if I can't absorb them long enough.  Maybe it's the change in weather, or maybe it's a change in me.  Whatever the reason, I spent some time enjoying the night sky this week.  It was a beautiful night... 
I wish you could have been there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

When Sims Collide...

This is what happens when you combine Halloween sim-hopping with ballroom dancing.... Meet my new little bat friends, Batty Boo and Bitey Too. They happily rode along while I danced the evening away in Phatland. Thank goodness my dance partner isn't afraid of rabies!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We're Having a Ball!

Anyone that knows me (in SL or RL) knows that I can get so absorbed in the creative process that I lose track of time (and sometimes, my mind!).  Such was the case this weekend when a friend and I decided to collaborate on a ballgown -- something I've never attempted before, as I'm mostly just a "prim girl" who only mildly messes around in Photoshop.  But my friend has made a small business selling clothing, so I figured it was worth a try...and it might be quite fun.  It turned out to be, in fact, VERY fun, and I'm pleased to be able to say that we made SIX lovely gowns (okay, okay, all the same gown, just different colors).  We're both very happy with the result and are considering future collaborations already.  Here's a look at the black and white version of the gown:

A special thank you goes out to an old friend with a good eye who spotted a problem with the prototype and sent us looking for better textures.  I believe the ones we finally decided upon look much better than the originals.  

And since I enjoyed this experience so much, I've been teasing myself that I might just be successful at making more pretty clothing... so now I'm off to dream about prim bras and pants and skirts, and (dare I say it?) underwear and how I might change the (second) world with them!  :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And How Much Do We Love This One???

I fell in love at first sight.  The richness of the color catches the eye, and the shading on the textures is perfect.  Lapointe & BastChild make some of the most beautiful gowns in Second Life, and this, among others in my wardrobe, is the proof of it.  Plus, for the same price you pay for most well-made gowns in-world, they've given us options.  First, a flirty mini, then a long, fitted gown.

Finally, the piece de resistance -- the ballgown.  I think it's just heavenly, and it makes me wish L & P would make a new gown every single day....just so I can fill my closet with them.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fashion Newness

I'm highly anticipating Paperdoll's opening of their lingerie and swimwear line, but since it's still not out, I decided to go see what was shaking in some of my other favorite stores.  Here's what I found:
First, I hit Hucci, 'cause it's still new to me (and I'm lovin' it!).  I'm not sure how long this piece has been on display, but I fell in love with it -- I'm a big fan of prim clothing, and if you ask me why, I'll refuse to tell you.  ;)  This set is called Love Machine, and though it's supposed to be lingerie, it's great paired with a little skirt or a pair of jeans.

Next I went to Miamai.  I received a notice Saturday that they were finally releasing the new Black Label avantgarde collection, and though I really wanted to go, I had a bit of a blond moment and forgot when it came time.  :P  The theme of the line is Spleen and Ideasm: Rise with the Army of the Dark King, and the advert runs like this: "Reach out to escape the burning light, lose yourself in the sweet temptation of darkness.  Are you human, are you machine -- or are you prepared to become both?"  I have to say, though many of the pieces are seriously odd looking, I really enjoyed the artistry of the whole collection.  It's fresh and dark and really quite wonderful.  However, not all of it is really geared to be worn by an ordinary girl like me.  :)  Still, I found three pieces that mostly work with my lifestyle:

This piece is called Morgane.  I love the leather texture and the bodice ruffles.  It's quite exquisite up close and personal, and I'm looking forward to taking it dancing -- and seeing if it attracts dance partners or scares them away! 

This next dress is Monarcha -- I'm thinking that's due to the butterfly look of the bodice.  Now though I think the dress is beautiful, I had to mod the crap out of it.  First, the skirt didn't fit remotely close to my shape.  Then, I removed two skulls from the hat -- which I found creepy.  Finally, I went to remove the skull from the neck piece and discovered it's no mod.  WTH???  (Looking at the piece in my inventory, it shows "no transfer," but when it's rezzed, it says transfer only.  How does that work?  Anyone?  I had the same problem with two pieces from the next outfit, too.  Very very strange.)  Here's a close-up of the neck piece:
Okay, the skull on this one is relatively small compared to the ones I removed from the hat, but does anyone else think the skulls are creepy?  Is it just me?  I haven't really been a fan of the skully movement that's been going on for the last few years, so maybe I'm just out of touch with the "skull love" thing.  
I love the post-apocalyptic look that's going on with this jacket (BTW, I put the censor bar there myself -- the jacket lets it all hang out, which I love, but I don't want to have to make this a restricted blog just yet).  However, the torso and hip pieces can't be modded, so they're a bit too big for my frame.  The jacket came with a very simple pant (which I hated), so I paired it with my new Bombom pants from Sweetest Goodbye.  I think it makes a much stronger statement (and I really love saying Bombom!).
And speaking of Sweetest Goodbye, I also picked up this adorable Drive jacket/vest while I was there.  The detailing is brilliant, and it's a nice piece to take into fall.
Finally, as I was walking out the door, this shirt and armwarmer set caught my eye.  I'm not sure I'm completely in love with the shirt portion, but the armwarmers are total cuteness, so I had to get it (and it helps that it was pretty cheap).  I only wish I could wear the armwarmers separately...there are so many outfits I own that they would enhance.

So, that was the end of my shopping spree, and I can't wait to show my friends all this cool newness in-world.  If you read this or see me out and about, either comment or IM me and tell me what you think.  

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Draaaaama, Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama...

Lately there's been altogether too much drama in my Second Life.  I know these things come and go, but I'm spending an inordinate amount of effort trying to ignore the dramatics in the last few days.  I used to spend quite a bit of time wondering why people just can't be decent to one another, respectful and considerate.  Now I've come to accept that some people just don't know what that means... and others simply prefer the head games because it's their own personal form of entertainment.  I'm not sure how much gratification can ultimately be had from that way of life, but it really doesn't suit me well -- not in either of my lives.

So if the drama-makers are lurking, I'm simply asking you, please, stop the offensive behavior.  I'm neither amused nor entertained, and your recent activities aren't really necessary.  I'm not going to respond in kind because that's not how I roll.  It'd just be nice if we could shake hands and be friends and not announce our personal lives to the rest of the world.

Peace, peace, let there be peace.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You Can Dress Her Up.....

...but you just can't take her anywhere!  :P

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shopping Therapy and a Genuine Letter of Love

When a girl is sick and she's just made a decision that has shaken up her life, she needs her best girl around to help sort things out.  Such was the case with me recently, and since Cova is my bestie, she and I hit the grid for a little shopping therapy.  Shoe shopping is more than a hobby with me -- it's a zen experience! -- so we took off for SLink, a newly discovered shoe shop, and cut loose the purse strings.  First, we bought some oh-so-sexy real-toed sandals.  

Then we shopped for bare feet -- of which, amazingly, there were several choices!  

Finally, we couldn't resist the adorable toe socks there, so we each bought a pair, went back home, and had a little pajama party and photo session.  Good friends are the essence of life, real or second.  I'm so glad to have a wonderful friend like my girl Cova to share both the good and the bad.

So Cova, for being the one that always stands by me, for picking up the pieces... even when I don't know I've lost them, and for all the little things you do to make my world bright and brilliant and beautiful, I thank you.  Lotsa' loves....  MWAH!

                     Always, Your Savvie

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Beautiful Places...

We get caught up in our crazy lives, even in SL.  Sometimes we need to remember to get away from everything and go see something beautiful.  Today was just such a day for me.  I went to visit one of my favorite sims...the beautifully rendered Straylight.  The verdure here is gorgeous, not to mention the lighting and insects (visit the store, and you can buy all that beauty for your sim, too!).  It is arguably one of the most beautiful places in SL.  If you haven't seen it, you must go.

A few highlights from my visit:

Standing in the falls was fun!