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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Draaaaama, Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama...

Lately there's been altogether too much drama in my Second Life.  I know these things come and go, but I'm spending an inordinate amount of effort trying to ignore the dramatics in the last few days.  I used to spend quite a bit of time wondering why people just can't be decent to one another, respectful and considerate.  Now I've come to accept that some people just don't know what that means... and others simply prefer the head games because it's their own personal form of entertainment.  I'm not sure how much gratification can ultimately be had from that way of life, but it really doesn't suit me well -- not in either of my lives.

So if the drama-makers are lurking, I'm simply asking you, please, stop the offensive behavior.  I'm neither amused nor entertained, and your recent activities aren't really necessary.  I'm not going to respond in kind because that's not how I roll.  It'd just be nice if we could shake hands and be friends and not announce our personal lives to the rest of the world.

Peace, peace, let there be peace.

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