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Friday, September 10, 2010

Body Art Debacle...

I've never been a fan of the SL viewer 2, but I've loved the idea of a dedicated tattoo layer, as I often find myself having to pick between tattoos and clothing.  No one should have to make that choice.  I’ve recently moved to the Imprudence viewer and was happy to discover Imp has added the tattoo layer code.  Yay!  Now all I needed was to shop for new tattoos. 

Imagine my surprise when I started shopping my favorite tattoo establishments, only to find that most of them haven’t bothered to add the tattoo layer option to their products.  I was crestfallen.  As a businesswoman myself, I’ve often had to go back to old items and update scripts and color options in order to please customers, and if I were a tattoo goddess, I know I’d be furiously working to get those tats on the new layer, so my product meets the new expectations and needs of my customers.  Shame on those tat stores that haven’t even started, especially the ones charging exorbitant prices for their wares and are still touting them as being “on all layers.”  Bad form.  Very bad form.

Conversely, I give kudos to those who recognize this as an opportunity to one-up the competition, advertising their products as “in process of updating” (or those who have finished the updates!) and offering their customers the choices some of those expensive tattoo parlors can’t be bothered to do.  Wicked Tattoos springs to mind, as they keep a running list for their customers of all the tattoo layer updates – so we know when we go into the store exactly which of the purchases we make will actually include that lovely new option.  For this I am soooo grateful (thank you, Wicked)!

Recently I found what appears to be a fairly new tattoo store, just ripe for exploring.  The tats are great…truly artistic…and I was excited to add some to my growing collection.  I tried to peek into the vendor to make sure I was getting the new layer, but the vendor showed only scripts – I really hate those vendors, BTW.  :P  Anyway, I took the chance, spent my 500L for the fancy tattoo, and discovered within seconds there was no tattoo layer.  Needless to say, I was miffed.  Granted, the tats are beautiful, but it’s a new store…and the tattoo layers should now be a given for any tattoo parlor.  Even worse, so far the inquiry I sent to the creator’s general manager has been ignored (three days and counting).  This is not good business, folks.    

So this is my new soapbox.  It doesn’t seem right to ignore something as exciting as a brand new layer, so I say, “THE NEW TATTOO LAYER FOR EVERYBODY!  NOW!!!”   

(whispering to my favorite tattoo creators):  Please, please, please (!!!) add the tattoo layer to your products.  

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